Need Quick Cash? Car Title Loans Are Here to Help
Emergencies happen. Whether you’re short on cash to pay your mortgage, your monthly utilities or an unexpected medical expense leaves you wishing you started that emergency fund—taking out a car title loan is a quick and easy way to get your hands on some fast cash. They give you the ability to take care of your expenses without taking out a personal loan or relying on friends to loan you money. If you’re considering a car title loan, familiarize yourself with these three facts about car title loans.
1. Same Day Car Title Loans Exist
Title loans exist to give people the opportunity to take care of their emergency expenses while paying off their loans in a series of easy, manageable payments. The point of this convenient service is to get money and get it fast. In many cases, you can get your money in as little as an hour. Our team of experts at Champion Financial Services has streamlined the steps and made them as easy as possible to ensure you can get your cash quickly. We will walk you through the process, evaluate your vehicle, and decide the amount you are eligible for.
2. You Don’t Need Good Credit
Worried about your credit history and how it will affect your car title loan qualification? Don’t be. Unlike most traditional lenders, a credit check is not a required step for obtaining a car title loan. Even if you have no credit at all, you will still be able to obtain a car title loan. This is because your vehicle is used as collateral. If you’re strapped for cash, consider consulting with a team member at Champion Financial Services. Your qualification and the size of your loan are not restricted by your credit history.
3. You Can Get A Good Sum of Money
How much money can you get from a car title loan? While you want to make sure you will have a way to pay off the loan, it also has to be big enough to meet your needs. Your vehicle will play a large role in determining how big of a car title loan you can get. Our team will evaluate the condition of your vehicle and process your loan accordingly. We have provided people with loans between $2,510 and $50,000. Learn more about loans at Mashvisor!
Get the Best Rate With Champion Financial Services
At Champion Financial Services, one of our goals is to provide loans on terms that are easy to understand, manageable, and reliable. After meeting the following easy qualifications, we will ensure you get the lowest interest rate possible:
- Valid driver’s license or government-issued photo ID
- Most recent paycheck stub, evidence of self-employment, or the last three months of complete bank statements
- Copy of vehicle registration or pink slip
- Proof of insurance
- Pictures of your vehicle (including the VIN number and odometer)
- Proof of residence
- References
- Completed application
An unexpected emergency situation can leave you strapped for cash. Whether your pet gets sick when you least expect it or you have to post bail, car title loans can get you the cash you need quickly. If you need the money and don’t have the time to deal with the hassle of a traditional lender, call on Champion Financial Services. Our friendly and experienced team will help you make sense of the car title loan process and ensure you have a plan in place to pay the money back. Now you know a few facts about car title loans!