Champion Cash Title Loans understands the financial hardships inherent in financing college tuition. We believe that education should be accessible to all, anyone who wishes to gain further knowledge to advance their career and, ultimately, their life. That is why Champion Cash Title Loans proudly offers a scholarship program aimed at students who show exceptional skill and merit. If you are currently enrolled in college, do not hesitate to apply!
$500 Scholarship for College Students
Champion Cash Title Loans believes in progress and community involvement. We want to honor students who give back to their communities in innovative and creative ways! Therefore, we want to know how you are involved in your community.
Champion Cash Title Loans offers a scholarship for college students who have demonstrated how community service can positively affect a change. Any student currently enrolled in college may apply.
Working within your community is a great way to show support and build character. We believe in honoring students who are getting involved in their community and making a difference.
Application Criteria
Over the years, we have assisted many in advancing their schooling. Whether you attend a university or a vocational program, Champion Cash Loans is ready to help you. Read the application criteria below and apply! The deadline for the scholarship is August 21st, 2023. The announcement will be on September 8th.
Include the following in all submissions:
1. Unofficial proof of transcripts showing proof of good grades & current college student ID.
2. An essay of 1,000 words detailing how small businesses will survive another financial downfall or recession. Champion Cash Title Loans wants you to be creative, so do not be afraid to use your imagination!
3. (Optional) We invite applicants to provide evidence of achievements, leadership, and other notable academic accolades.
Apply Now
We cannot wait to hear from you! Apply now before it is too late!
Email Your Submissions to [email protected]
Who is Champion Cash Title Loans?
Champion Cash Title Loans is a licensed industry-leading title loan lender and has been helping borrowers nationwide getting short-term loans like title loans, registration loans, pink slip loans, and auto equity loans since 2010. In 2020 Champion Cash Title Loans expanded service areas from California to up to 37 nationwide states.